March 2014 archive

Circuitboard Skating!

Three workshoppers wanted to create a smooth surface on the circuit boards they were repurposing for their final project and so we did some circuit board ice skating by strapping the boards to their shoes and having them skate around the Zoo! Gives new meaning to the “Electric Slide”! Video below:

Scrapyard Challenge Part 4

Some more images and video from the workshop!

Field Trip 2: Bird Conservation in an Urban Environment


Birding at Site 1: Hudson River Coastline

Day 3 – Scrapyard Challenge Part 2

This is the second round of the Scrapyard Challenge workshop we ran at the Central Park Zoo on March 11, 2014

Day 2 – Scrapyard Challenge Part 1

Here’s a video of the hacking we did on the second day of the program! Scrapyard Challenge – creating instruments from junk! Photos of the workshop